
1/4" Vinyl Barbed Tee-(Qty 100)

Part # MLT-TEE-100
UPC: 720413302958-000
1/4-in Vinyl Barbed Tees. (Qty 100)
Made in the USA
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100 Count Bag.  Use these 1/4-in Tees to run the 1/4-in Vinyl Tubing (MLT-B30), (MLT-B100B), (MLT-B500), (MLT-S20), (MLT-G100), (MLT-G500), (MLT-T100B), (MLT-W100B), (MLT-B500BKT) and the 1/4-in In-Line Drip Tubing (MLD-QDT100) in opposing directions

Great for running a line of 1/4-in Vinyl along a row of potted plants to feed a piece of 1/4-in vinyl to a dripper in each pot

Use our All-In-One Tool (MLA-TOOL) to make installation of these 1/4-in Tees even easier

(100 1/4-in Tees Per Bag)

(Made in the USA)

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