Picture for category Tools & Accessories

Tools & Accessories

All of the accessories you need to complete and maintain your drip irrigation system.

All-In-One Tool (MLA-TOOL)

All-In-One Punch Tool for making Micro and Drip installation easier. (Qty 1)

Hole Punch Tool & Plugs-(QTY 1 Tool /8 Plugs) (MLA-51)

Hole Punch Tool with Goof Plugs for Micro and Drip Irrigation. (QTY 1 Tool/8 Goof Plugs)

Goof Plugs-(QTY 16) (MLA-51G)

Goof Plugs for sealing holes (QTY 16)

Cleaning Tool-(QTY 2) (MLA-CLEAN)

Cleaning Tool for cleaning clogged orifices in Micro Sprays, Pot Stakes, and Flow Controller diaphragms (Qty 2)

Tubing Cutter-(QTY 1) (MLA-CUTTER)

The Mister Landscaper Tubing Cutter for 1/2-in Poly Tubing, 1/2-in In-Line Drip Tubing, 1/4-in Vinyl Tubing, and 1/4-in In-Line Drip Tubing. (Qty 1)

Replace Blade-Cut Tool-1 ct (MLA-CUTTERBLADE)

Replacement Blade for the Mister Landscaper Tubing Cutter for 1/2-in Poly Tubing, 1/2-in In-Line Dripper Tubing, 1/4-in Vinyl Tubing and 1/4-in In-Line Dripper Tubing (Qty 1)

Winter Plug 3/4" (QTY 1) (MLA-WHTPLUG)

Winterizing Plug with 3/4-in Hose Thread for sealing your system from insects and debris during the winter

Replacement Washer-(QTY 5) (MLA-WASHER)

Replacement O-Ring Washer for our 1/2" Poly Hose Fitting (MLF-33), 1/4" Tubing Faucet Adapter (MLA-FAS), Poly End Fitting (MLF-ENDCAP) and the End Cap on the bottom of our Faucet Filter (MLFF-41). You can also use this washer with any 3/4" FHT Outdoor Garden Hose. (QTY 5)

1/2" Poly Support Stk-(QTY 3) (MLA-57)

Support Stakes for holding 1/2-in Poly Tubing and 1/2-in In-Line Drip Tubing. (Qty 3)

1/2" Poly Support Stk-(QTY 100) (MLA-57-100)

Support Stakes for holding 1/2-in Poly Tubing and 1/2-in In-Line Drip Tubing. (QTY 100)

1/4" support stake-(QTY 10) (MLT-DST)

1/4-in Vinyl Support Stakes to hold down 1/4-in Vinyl Tubing (QTY 10)

8" Extension-stk assembly-(QTY 3) (MLS-22)

8-in Extension for Micro-Stake Assembly. (Qty 3)

Pot Stake Extender-(QTY 3) (MLS-POTEXT)

Pot Stake Extenders that add 4.5-in to our Micro Spray Pot Stake (QTY 3)

Quick Fix & Repair kit (MLK-FIXIT)

Quick Fix Kit for Repair and Maintenance of Drip and Micro Sprays (Each kit sold individually)


Mister Landscaper Hat - Blue One Size Fits All


Mister Landscaper Shirt- Medium


Mister Landscaper Shirt - Large


Mister Landscaper Shirt - Extra Large


Mister Landscaper Shirt - 2X Large