

Where To Begin

Designing a micro spray or drip irrigation system can feel overwhelming if you have had little experience or you have a lot of landscape and garden area to cover. We are here to help. We offer personalized system design help that custom tailors each project to the needs of the customer. Start by Opening the link to the printable "Graph", follow the set of simple drawing instructions, then complete the form in "Step Two>" and click submit. That’s it! Take the time to complete these few things, and we will send you a suggested item list along with notes on your drawing, showing where to connect your system, where to run your system, and where to place drippers and micro sprays. And, of course, you can always call (863)-439-3200 or email with any additional questions you might have.

If you need help designing a system for a commercial application, please contact your local Irrigation Wholesale Distributor or email us at

The Drawing

Please keep your drawing Simple and to make it easier use an X for Trees, W for Shrubs, O for Flowers, P for Potted plants and F for Outdoor Faucets to use for watering. We are really good at interpreting even the most elementary of drawings. That said, the more details and information you can give, the more accurate we can be with our recommendations. Showing where the Outdoor Faucets are located and the distance over to the area along with the total distances in width and lengths of the areas to be watered is very helpful. Just as an example, if your house and landscaping looks something like this (Fig. A), your drawing might look something like this (Fig. B)
Below are just a few of the most important things to make note of and include in the drawing. Be as accurate as possible. And give as much detail as possible. But remember, it does NOT need to be perfect. Use the graph paper (download below) to help make your drawing more accurate. This download also includes a checklist of tools and information to include in the drawing.


As much as possible, accurately indicate plant variations by breaking them into three categories: 1) Small Plants and Flowers mark with Circles O & o , 2) Shrubs and Bushes mark with W & w , and 3) Trees mark with X & x (Fig. C).


Continue to the Form

Once the drawing is complete, continue to step two to finish the process. At this point, it is a good idea to go ahead and scan your drawing so it can be uploaded on the next page.