
Blog posts of '2012' 'February'

Water for Roses

Watering roses is more than just turning on the hose and giving them a good dousing for a few minutes. Frequent watering in such a manner can cause black spots and mildew to form on those beautiful petals. Watering frequently on the petals can spread disease, too.


When it comes to roses, the key to good watering is to water deep and infrequently.

With the use of Mister Landscaper's 3 in One Down Spray Mister MLM-236 or Down Spray Mister MLM-06, you can set up these down spray mister sprayers to water the base of your rose bushes, making sure the soil and roots are adequately hydrated.
These two microsprays can be installed to water and give off a spray radius between 4 to 5 feet, ensuring a good root coverage area and making sure you’re not wasting water.
How often you decide to hydrate your roses depends on your climate and region. One simple way of knowing whether or not your roses need hydration is by frequently checking the soil moisture level. This can easily be done by sticking your finger at least an inch or so into the soil to test for moisture. Also, add mulch to your beds to maintain moisture around your bushes.
Certainly a yard full of vibrant beautiful aroma-filled roses is worth all the dirt and sweat we put into them. Caring for them can be difficult. But with use of such simple-to-use products here at Mister Landscaper, your rose garden will flourish for years to come.
Happy Gardening!
Join the discussion... How are your roses doing? How have you been watering them?


Spring is a Perfect Time to Start a Community Garden

Have you heard about community gardens? That’s right…community.


According to the American Community Garden Association (ACGA), a community garden is simply a piece of land that is gardened by a group of people. It can be for flowers or vegetables or simply to spend time with others who love gardening.


Here’s a sampling of community gardens making headlines across the country.


  • In South Florida, there are various community gardens on city-owned land. These gardens help needy folks learn to grow their own food. Many are in areas that need beautification or are undergoing revitalization. Others are in urban areas. 
  • In Greer, South Carolina, the local hospital started the project. Soon, sponsors donated tools and irrigation equipment - even seeds - to get gardeners started. 
  • Portland has 39 community gardens, many with open spots waiting to be rented.  Each 100-square-foot area rents for $21. Volunteers have “work parties” to tend to area gardens. Some plant beds are handicapped-accessible. And they also offer scholarships for low-income families and individuals. 
  • In Kalamazoo, Michigan, the success of one community garden has sparked interested in starting other gardens around that area. Plans also include compost heaps, a greenhouse for year-round gardening, and classes for those needing a little extra help getting started. 


These are just a few of the community gardens making news around the country.


As springtime approaches, think about joining a community garden in your area. You can search for existing gardens. Better yet, start one!


Join the discussion:

Are you interested in community gardening? If so, tell us about it. If you’re already participating in a community garden, share some information with us. Who participates? What do you grow? How do you maintain it?

Drought Giving You Doubts?

In the past month alone in areas throughout Florida, droughts have had an impact on:

  • Fires, 
  • Relief, response, and restrictions, 
  • Tourism, and 
  • Water supply and quality. 
How about you? Is your area in a drought? How is your lawn doing? 
Mine? Let’s just say it’s an array of green and brown shades - mostly brown.
To be honest, I’ve had my doubts about whether I’ll be able to undo some of the damage. But it doesn’t stop me from trying. So here are some tips - for me and for you:
  • Plant more shrubs than annuals. Shrubs grow deeper roots than annuals and can withstand drier weather. Annuals do not develop deep roots as easily and are more susceptible to changes in weather.
  • Plant strategically. Evaluate your house and the natural flow of water surrounding your property to identify areas that naturally get more water than others. Position plants that require more water in high water traffic areas (for example, below the gutters). Those that don’t need as much water can be placed in drier areas of your yard.
  • Install drip irrigation. Products such as Mister Landscaper’s 50 ft. Micro Sprinkler Starter Kit keep the ground moist and provide continuous water supply to plants, shrubs, trees, gardens, and flowers.
  • Finally, don’t forget the mulch. It serves a greater purpose than just being visually appealing - it also maintains moisture in the soil. 
When used in combination, these tips should help us to lessen our doubts about the drought conditions. And we’ll get the added benefit of a greener, healthier, and more luxurious landscape.
Join the discussion
Has your area been in a drought? If so, how long? What are you doing to remove your doubts about the drought and put a little green back into your landscaping?